Monday, May 25, 2020

The Lamp At Noon By Sinclair Ross - 1326 Words

The human race likes to believe that it is the most intelligent and powerful life form on planet Earth. While mankind has proven to be capable of many remarkable feats, there is one force that proves that man is relatively fragile. This force; though not living, is capable of rendering even man utterly weak and powerless. This force is nature. Throughout Sinclair Ross’ short story The Lamp at Noon, the historical context of the Great Depression helps to reinforce the story’s theme that nature is more powerful than man. This is evident through the fact that in the story and in real life; nature caused the Great Depression, nature can cause man to do unusual things and the fact that nature continually outsmarts man. These examples have been exemplified throughout the text and history to help prove that nature is indeed more powerful than man. Firstly, nature was a principal cause of the Great Depression. The story takes place in the Prairies of Canada in the 1930s, a time of economic crisis for the majority of the area’s inhabitants. This includes Paul and Ellen, the story’s main characters. There was a great drought caused by nature which put a halt on agricultural production and thus caused the depression. Ellen explains this to Paul when she says: â€Å"Listen Paul,-I’m thinking of all of us-you, too. Look at the sky. What’s happening. Are you blind? Thistles and tumbleweeds-it’s a desert. You won’t have a straw this fall. You won’t be able to feed a cow or a chicken. PleaseShow MoreRelatedThe Lamp At Noon By Sinclair Ross1383 Words   |  6 Pagesa story. This is made evident by Sinclair Ross’ ability to effectively utilize the literary devices at his disposal to develop a powerful, efficient short story in â€Å"The Lamp at Noon†. In the story, imagery, dialogue, and the omniscient point of view from which the story is perceived are formidable examples of how literary devices provide a significant role in shaping the plot, conflict and themes for the reader to experience. Sinclair Ross’ â€Å"The Lamp at Noon† effectively showcases the powerRead MoreThe Lamp At Noon By Sinclair Ross1643 Words   |  7 Pageswho had fellowship from peers. Ellen from the short story The Lamp at Noon is a perfect example of the effect referenced in this study; the weather acts symbolically to show her isolation from the rest of the world, the consequence being the loss of her own child’s life. In this short story, the author Sinclair Ross uses parallelism between physical and emotional isolation to show the ultimate impacts of isolation on the human spirit. Ross shows that continuous isolation can lead to a mental breakdownRead MoreSymbolism : The Raven, By Edgar Allen Poe2339 Words   |  10 Pageswhich symbolizes loss and death. But very few authors use symbolism as effectively as Sinclair Ross did, in his famous short story â€Å"The Lamp at Noon.† Ross symbolizes objects, and personifies them in a way that they feel like actual char acters to the reader. She explores symbolism through three key tokens that carry a great importance throughout the story, the atmosphere in which Ellen and Paul live, the lamp, and the wind. These three essential symbols are used to reflect the struggles of coupleRead MoreThe Lamp at Noon722 Words   |  3 PagesMiscommunication in The Lamp at Noon In literature, authors often present characters who come from different backgrounds and fail to communicate. In the short story The Lamp at Noon by Sinclair Ross, a series of events trigger post Paul and Ellen’s argument which leads to a family disaster. Paul and Ellen’s different way of life before their coupling gives them different points of views. This leads to their dispute and resulting in the terrible decision to be made which results in the deathRead MoreThe Lamp At Noon Short Story896 Words   |  4 Pages In his story â€Å"The Lamp at Noon†, Sinclair Ross writes about the great depression and how it effects a couple and their baby as they live through it. The purpose of the story is to display the importance of decisions and how choosing the right one can effect us heavily. Ross does a great job to convey his message by showing us the severe consequences of some decisions. Everyday each of us are faced with decisions that in time produce an outcome that will affect our futures. Paul is one ofRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesargument or an explanation is present. However, if an argument is present, 30 60 If Betsy Ross says, The new flag I designed has red and white stripes with thirteen stars, is she explaining the flag? No, she is just describing it. She is not explaining where the flag came from or what motivated her to make it. She isn’t talking about causes. Nor is she arguing about the flag. However, if Betsy Ross says something a little more elaborate, such as The new flag I designed has red and white

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