Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Causes and Effects of Deforestation in Tropical...

The Causes and Effects of Deforestation in Tropical Rainforests Tropical rainforests are the most alive places on earth. Covering less than 12% of the lands surface, the rainforests are home to more than half of all living species (Lewis, 4). 90% of all non-primates reside in tropical rainforests. Two-thirds of known plants, 40% birds of prey, and 80% of all insects are found only in tropical rainforests. Of the 2.5 to 5 million animals species thought to exist, only about one-half have been identified to date. The vast majority of rainforests are found in Brazil (Amazon), South Asia, Africa, and Central America. (WRM, 16). The two main types of rainforest are equatorial rainforests and†¦show more content†¦Most rainforest life grows and dwells in this layer. It is a tangled mass of vines, treetops, and other plants, and rises about 100-130 feet above the floor. The understorey rises about 50-80 feet, and it is made up of shrubs, bushes, seedlings, and saplings. Because of a lack of light, the forest floor is typically bare. Only some scattering of leaves, decaying plant matter, and other small plants can be found on the rainforest floor. (Lewis, 16). Each layer of the rainforest is a unique habitat, and animals from one layer rarely venture into another one. Mammals such as elephants, deer, and tiger dwell on the forest floor. Primates such as gibbons, howler monkeys, and chimpanzees dwell in trees. Other tree-dwellers include sloth, squirrels, mice. One out of three bird species in the world nest in rainforests - about 2,600 species in all. These exotic birds, such as toucans, hornbills, and fly-catchers, form a massive array of color against the green background. (Lewis, 20-21). Relationships between organisms in the rainforest is a complex web of intimate connections and interdependencies. For example, insects pollinate a large variety of plants, which in turn are food for other insects and herbivores. Insects and herbivores are food for birds and carnivores. These predators keep populations in check as well as recycle nutrients to plantsShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Tropical Rainforest And Water Cycle1604 Words   |  7 PagesThe role of tropical rainforest in water cycle The tropical rainforest plays a significant role in regulating the water cycle on earth, through transpiration and evaporation process. Transpiration is the water vapour loss from plants through stomata, and evaporation is the water loss from all other part of plants but leaves and other living things in the forest. Evapotranspiration are the accumulation of transpiration and evaporation in the forest. During transpiration, trees suck water from soilRead MoreEssay on The Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest1038 Words   |  5 PagesThe Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest Deforestation is having an effect on all tropical rainforests. 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