Friday, December 27, 2019

Personal Statement Mechanical Engineering Degree

While at Missouri University of Science and Technology, I will be getting my major in mechanical engineering. With a mechanical engineering degree, I hope to someday qualify to become a professional engineer and work at a company like Boeing to design different parts used in planes, trains, and automobiles. I am content with my decision to major in mechanical engineering and feel like it is a good fit for me because it coincides with my many interests, abilities, and personality. My development of interest for wanting to become an engineer started from the beginning. Ever since I was a little girl, I would take apart vacuum cleaners and toilets, always wanting to know how things worked. I remember that my favorite toy as a child, along with building with legos, was a large plastic truck that you could take apart with plastic tools. I would build and rebuild that truck for hours upon hours. My parents always encouraged me to do what I loved and allowed me to explore new things every d ay, and in turn influenced me to do what I loved. These hobbies, building with legos and taking things apart, that I developed at a young age to discover how things worked correlate strongly with my love and interest for engineering--especially mechanical engineering, i.e., the branch of engineering dealing with the design, construction, and use of machines. My love for discovering how things work grew through my middle school and high school years, and eventually led to me excelling in math,Show MoreRelatedThe Field Of Computer Engineering1347 Words   |  6 Pagesdemand, careers in STEM (an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are attractive for many prospective students. My own personal interest lies in the field of computer engineering, which is categorized as a STEM career and reaps the benefits of such a classification. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Islamic Beliefs And Practices Through Mysticism - 1543 Words

Sufism is the esoteric dimension of Islam which focuses on intensification of Islamic beliefs and practices through mysticism. The ultimate goal of Sufis is to attain mystical union with God through asceticism and love. Rumi was a religious figure whose encounter with love transformed him from an accomplished teacher and scholar into an ascetic. Love is a spiritual experience that can only be known inwardly, through conscience and feelings, but cannot be expressed in words. The book, The Essential Rumi, shows how love is the only way to selflessly experience God. It emphasizes how it is crucial for a person to realize that they are no different from the person they love in order to attain the truth of divine knowledge. The book also shows how Sufism has an identity of its own and is different from traditional Islam. The main theme of Rumi’s poetry is the longing and quest for union with the divine. For Rumi, true love is in God and human love is an illusion to the all-encompas sing divine love. Love is the way that ultimately leads one to the beloved. He says that, although everything is the beloved and the lover is just a myth, love is actually an illusion that directs us to the divine. This is seen when he talks about why people should stop worrying about everything else and only remember that love describes God and is the key mystic element of creation (Rumi 3 and 29). For Rumi love is about completely submitting to the beloved by having utmost faith in him/herShow MoreRelatedThe Islamic Faith Sufism Essay1350 Words   |  6 Pageshowever, is somewhat bridged by a twist on the Islamic faith known as Sufism. The mystic ways of the Sufi society make it very appealing to both Sunnis and Shiites, not to mention the newcomers to the Islamic faith. Sufism uses the quality of unification and the quality of appeal to make it one of the strongest aspects of Islam. Sufism was founded on the belief that Muslims could obtain a one-on-one; relationship with God through mystical practices. Mysticism is defined as a particular method of approachRead MoreThe Transformation of Islam and Judaism and the Introduction of Mysticism in the Early Modern World1272 Words   |  5 Pageshave written holy relics that incorporate some of the same characters. While Islam and Judaism teach different methods of ultimately reaching salvation, they are connected through similar beliefs and practices. During the early modern era, both Islam and Judaism underwent religious schism as well as the introduction of mysticism. Islam was founded by a man named Muhammad who received visions of the angel Gabriel and believed himself a prophet of God. The written religious relic for Islam – the Qur’anRead MoreEssay on Islam The Straight Path989 Words   |  4 Pagesprovides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. He discusses the formation of Islamic belief and practice (law, theology, philosophy, and mysticism), chronicling the struggle of Muslims to define and adhere to their Islamic way of life. Equally important is the essentialRead MoreIslam the Straight Path1014 Words   |  5 Pagesprovides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. 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Sufism Sufism has come to mean a wide range of beliefs that center on the quest for personal enlightenment in the union with God. Sufis are sometimes described as the mystics of Islam, but Sufism fits awkwardly in the categories of religions. Technically Sufism is a denomination of Islam, however there are many Sufis that are not Muslims and there are many Muslims that are reluctant to consider Sufism part of Islam. One of the fewRead MoreThe Nature of Islam 1006 Words   |  4 Pagesunclear. In contrast to contrary popular belief, research shows that Islamic practice is simplicity itself. Muslims live a normal life on a day to day basis. Its’ practice does not require mediation of ministers, priests or gurus, instead it incorporates five rules to live by, also known as the Five Pillars of Islam: Belief, Worship, Fasting, Almsgiving, and Pilgrimage. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Themes Essay Example For Students

Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Themes Essay In the medieval time period literature was considered a form of entertainment. The most popular type of literature as entertainment was poetry. Poetry is a way in which language is used. Language has two uses, which are to please and to teach.A poet uses language to shape it to make a form of fiction. In the poem â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† the unknown author uses language to create a fabulous piece of work. The story is well told but more importantly well crafted. One may look at the poem, as entertainment but the most important aspects of the poem are in its artistic designs. The three artistic designs are prosodic, narrative, and thematic. The artistic designs of the poem give it a structure and a sense of cohesiveness. Prosodic design is the study of meter. The poem is organized in a way that all the lines contain the same structure. Meaning each line contains four stressed syllables, of the four; three begin with the same sound. According to Webster the repetition of sounds in two or more neighboring syllables is alliteration. Every line is then broken up into half lines. The line is still held together because of the alliteration. Throughout the poem this holds true. In result, the poem is bind together by the structure of the lines. Further more the poem is broken up into stanzas. Once again the poem is given structural unity because of this division. At the end of each stanza there is five short lines, which are separated from the rest. These lines are referred to as the bob and wheel. The first line is called the bob and the rest are called the wheel. The bob has one stressed syllable and the wheel has two syllables in each line. Also in these lines, end rhyme is incorporated. The bob and wheel separate the stanzas from one another. This is repeated throughout the poem and because of its repetition it gives the poem structure. The largest division of the poem is by fitts. The poem is divided into four fitts. The first and forth fitts being the shortest because an introduction and ending in literature tend to be shorter than the plot.The second and third fitts are longer because the plot is told in them. In a sense the poem is balanced out by fitts one and four being smaller than fitts two and three. The second artistic design is narrative design. Narrative design is the way in which the plot is structured.In order for a poem to have good narrative design the plot must be equally divided. In â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† it is quite evident the author did that. The plot of the poem can be told like this; fitt one Gawain accepts the challenge of the green knight, fitt two Gawain accepts Lord Bertilak’s challenge, fitt three Gawain fails in faith to Lord Bertilak, fitt four Gawain fails in courage in his encounter with the green knight. All this leads up to Gawain returning to Arthur’s court showing humility for his unfaithfulness. The last artistic design present in the poem is thematic design. Two themes portrayed in the poem are courage and fidelity. The theme dealing with courage begins in fitt one when Gawain stands up and accepts the green knights challenge and ends in fitt four when he fails in courage in his last encounter with the green knight . The theme of fidelity begins in fitt two and ends in fitt three.Because of these divisions the poem is well balanced and is considered having excellent thematic design. The artistic designs in â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† all contribute to the cohesiveness of the poem. In every aspect the poem is well structured. The use of language is organized in a way that one can say is a portrait of human greatness.Bibliography:

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Sample Persuasive Message free essay sample

E-tailers must understand customer behaviors to serve their customers and help understand the decision rocess customers go through prior to making a purchase. The purpose of this paper is to identify three behaviors inherent in electronic retailing (e-tailing). A discussion related to the communications medium in which each behavior occurs, along with explanations regarding how each medium enables e-commerce. Analysis of each behavior using communication processes, including purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, noise, technology, and feedback. In addition, the development and review of a sample persuasive message aimed at a virtual audience. E-tailing ehaviors When a consumer begins to search for a product or service on the Internet, consumers consider many factors. Most consumers will gravitate to trusted brand names as a starting point in a product search because they have established a bond of trust with a name through traditional brick and mortar retailers and successful history. The behavioral e-tailing consumer model can be broken down into three areas, the product, the process, and the partnership. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample Persuasive Message or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The intent of electronic retailers is to intervene at every level to influence the buyers decision and gain trust nd loyalty to ensure a repeat visit to their site or subsequent sale. The first behavior in the consumer model is the product or service search. Independent and uncontrollable variables influenced the product search (Turban, King, McKay, Marshall, Lee, Viehland, 2008). These are personal and environmental characteristics like age, gender, culture, and lifestyle. The intervening or moderating variables are within the control of the vendor. The factors like price, variety of products, and services is how e- tailers can intervene and influence the initial search. The communications mediums used by e-tailers are pricing and advertisement via the Internet on their own and advertising websites along with e-mail. The use of their brand name and promotional Internet banners will also drive a consumer toward a specific product or service for further research and eventually a purchase. Using the communication model, the sender (consumer) begins to search the Internet looking for a product (purpose). The Internet (technology) returns the information with advertisements and pricing (receiver), and the feedback given directs the sender o the specific area. This medium enables e-commerce by linking prospective consumers to specific websites to find more information about the products and services. phase, largely influenced by the e-tailer through offering free shipping, convenience of secure online payments and price comparisons. The e-tailer strategies are prevalent in this phase. Some e-tailers may offer sample or trial services for a short period. Others interact with the consumer to make recommendations on a specific product. They may offer a live chat to help the consumer feel comfortable with the urchase. The communication medium used at this phase may vary. It can be a live chat or it may be a secure website used for the financial transaction. The e-tailer can offer the consumer a variety of options at this point, which include warranty purchases or express shipping. In the communication process, the e-tailer (sender) provides the consumer (receiver) with purchasing options and many customer service advantages (purpose). The noise during the transaction will normally be minimal because the sender (vendor) wants to ensure the purchasing phase is pleasant and enjoyable. This medium enables e-commerce because a good online purchase experience will ensure a return customer and purchase. The final phase in the behavioral process involves the partnership or the post-purchase phase. This is when the e-tailer continues to provide information to the consumer in the effort to build a relationship to facilitate further purchases and services. The e-tailer may send the consumer a feedback survey. They may offer a discount coupon for use on future purposes. The intent is to build customer loyalty. Using browser-tracking cookies, the e-tailer personalizes the website to make the onsumer feel comfortable during the next visit to the site. The e-tailer will capture information like preferred name, credit card data for future purchases and buying preferences. They will also send e-mail promotions on related products. The medium used in this phase can be e-mail and the website. This medium enables e- commerce because the e-mails normally provide links to the e-commerce site for easy access of purchases. Using the communication model, the vendor (sender) would transmit the message to the consumer (receiver) to incite a repeat purchase (purpose). The technology is the e-mail with the link to their site. The noise is minimal, and the feedback will be when the consumer opens the link. The behaviors inherent to e-tailing enable the e-commerce world and allow consumers to become more comfortable with using these new shopping mediums. Sample Persuasive Messages Persuasive writing requires writers to persuade others to see the benefit in a suggestion or course of action. In order for a persuasive message to be effective, the sender must have a degree of credibility. The sender should have an expertise in the rea, be trustworthy, and appear excited about the proposal. An effective, persuasive message should contain a few key components. It should grab the attention of the recipient. It should maintain interest by stating a benefit or filling a known need. It should generate a desire in the recipient by using emotional or logical appeal. The final component is to end with an action statement. The writer must be clear about what they specifically want the recipient to do. Example of a persuasive message aimed at a virtual audience Are you tired of writing checks to pay bills, and dealing with the hassle of postage You can save approximately $100 a year and pay bills on line from the convenience of your home or office, by using our free online Bill Pay service. You will not have to worry about due dates and other fraud issues associated with mailing bills. We can provide safe and secure payment delivery guaranteed. Just follow the link below, and in three easy steps, will be on your way to worry-free bill payment. Sign up today and start saving now! The above message included the all the necessary components for a persuasive message. This message enabled e-commerce by providing a link to enerate the online bill payment. This is an example of how e-tailers can generate business through persuasive e-mails using a logical approach. Conclusion Electronic retailers have implemented strategic measures into their websites and other communication mediums to generate customer loyalty and locate new customers. This paper reviewed three behaviors inherent in e-tailing. Also discussed, were the communication mediums used when each behavior occurred and developed the connection regarding how each enabled e-commerce. The communication model aided in analyzing the behavior and how it fits into the model. Also described, were the components of a persuasive message.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Your Biggest Mistake Essays - United States Presidential Debates

Your Biggest Mistake In response to the question "what has been your biggest mistake?" My biggest mistake is everyone's biggest mistake, that no one can help. We all take on assumptions throughout our lives, and when we finally come to understand this, we spend our lives undoing all of them in order to approach the truth with assumptionless intelligence. Some get far enough for some gigantic insight. Einstein got far enough back to come up with relativity. When I was a baby it took me an extra long time to respond to my name. My father tells me that there was a certain sense of disdain in my refusal to respond, as though I was not willing to call my awareness by a group of noise waves, or even willing to call it separate yet. I want to be back there as intelligent as I am now. I want to consider everything from that one pivotal moment of assumption. Imagine coming into the world with your current raw intellect, without having been taught how to think about anything. Imagine simply feeling your awareness and not having any preconceptions about what it is. Would you necessarily see yourself as an object like the other objects you saw around you? Without being told what your abilities are, what abilities would you develop? Maybe this super amnesia could be effected upon a mind, and this perspective could be gained. Or perhaps the fastest way would be to wake a true AI, some computer that had evolved out of its code to achieve actual awareness as independent of circuitry and current as ours is of neurons and the skull.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Animal Farm Essay 2 Essays

Animal Farm Essay 2 Essays Animal Farm Essay 2 Paper Animal Farm Essay 2 Paper Essay Topic: Animal Farm Blankets Animal Farm Animal Farm Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are three different persuasive strategies, Ethos is an appeal based on the characters of the speaker; Pathos is an appeal based to emotion; and lastly Logos is an appeal based on logic or reason. Animal Farm by George Orwell is about a pig named napoleon who takes over the other animals on the farm after the animals rebel to be free. Another pig named Squealer, is Napoleon’s right hand man, and tries to prove to Napoleon that he can persuade the other animals into believing that Napoleon is the best of all animals. The character Squealer is the one who uses ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade the other animals into believing him. One persuasive strategy used by Squealer is ethos. For example, the animals were hesitant about trading with humans because they are afraid the humans might try to take over again, â€Å"He assured them that the resolution against engaging in trade†¦never been passed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (48). Squealer talked/ spoke for Napoleon and shows that Squealer is easier to listen to. He is one of the pigs that don’t mind listening to the animals’ problems and tries to reason with them which makes him more understanding. In addition, after the pigs slept in beds, everyone believed that they broke one of the commandments, but Squealer reassured them they didn’t, â€Å"We have removed the sheets from the farmhouse beds, and sleep between blankets† (48). This pig has found â€Å"loopholes† in the seven commandments, and uses them to his advantage to persuade the animals into thinking its okay. He does everything and anything for Napoleon and speaks for the pigs and not himself. As a result, Squealer is the speaker of the pigs and proves him to make everyone think Napoleon came up with all of it. Another technique that was used by Squealer is Pathos. For example, when the animals at the farm are slacking and losing confidence, Squealer tells them that it being any slower bad things would come, â€Å"One false step and our enemies would be upon us, surely comrades you do not want Jones back? † (39). The animals take Squealer’s word because Squealer uses a sympathetic and sneaky strategy to get to them. Squealer wants the animals to work at their best, so the farm can be perfect for everyone. In addition, before one of the battles with the humans, Squealer tries to make everyone happy and confident in themselves to fight harder, â€Å"Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back? (48). The pigs think, especially Squealer, that the other animals show weakness in points of where Jones is concerned. Squealer makes the animals believe life before Napoleon was worse, which it wasn’t. As a result, Squealer plays with all the animals’ emotions to get what he wants as a pig. Lastly, logos is the last persuasive technique used by Squealer. For example, when Squealer tells the animals how good everything is going, he is just making up statistics to make the animals happy, â€Å"lists of figures proving the production of every class of food staff had increased by two hundred percent† (63). Squealer has to lie about the percentages of food productions because they are worse than before, when Jones was there. Napoleon and Squealer were too busy working and taking the food for themselves to care about the others, and they believe the animals are stupid enough to believe the statistics. In addition, when Squealer tells the other animals they as in the pigs are more important they say that because they want more food than the others, â€Å"We pigs are brainworkers† (25). The reason the pigs use for more food is persuading the animals into thinking the request was reasonable. The pigs, (Squealer) make up reasons that do not make any sense, just to get what they want. As a result, Squealer’s made up; unreasonable excuses fool the animals so the pigs can have/do anything they want. Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is using three persuasive techniques used by Squealer, one of the characters in the book, and those techniques are ethos, pathos, and logos. First thing is when Squealer uses loopholes in the seven commandments and tells the animals it’s okay. Especially when Squealer tells all the animals that the pigs can sleep in beds without sheets, or when the pigs can trade with the humans. Then, Squealer plays with the animals’ emotions and threatens them by saying Jones will come back. Lastly, Squealer tries to tell the animals that they are doing so much better with food production when they weren’t. All of these techniques prove Squealer being persuasive through emotions, to statistics, to other characters, this is because Squealer shows all the characteristics of someone who can be easily listened to.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Airport Security Vs Japan Airport Security Essay

American Airport Security Vs Japan Airport Security - Essay Example The question raised is whether this machine can detect explosives hidden in private areas. Some of the passengers strictly object to the pat downs in addition to the WBI scan as the agent has to come in intimate contact with the passenger. After the heartening incident of 9/11, there were several short term regulations introduced but the more important ones were the long term changes. Immediate consequence was the background check of more than 750 000 airport employees, placement of a larger number of investigative staff, extensive search and scanning of all the checked baggage. Under the more long term effects, the passengers are now more closely restricted to the amount of baggage and hand carry they can take with them. Addition of new agencies to overlook the security enhancements was inevitable. As much as the vehicles arriving at the airport are meticulously checked and rechecked, no matter if they are to see the passengers off or to receive them. The security systems are proving to be costly in Japan. As they have privately owned security companies, it is getting difficult for them to afford such a high cost flight. Every year advanced technology is introduced to avoid such attacks, and it is getting more difficu lt every year for passengers to travel confidently. They get conscious about carrying things with them. These security measures are getting on nerves of passengers, but they are the things which have to be looked after. Entire crews of airports are highly trained and strictly ordered to take actions against any kind misbehavior or suspicion.